1. Who are the people behind SOFA?
SOFA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation made up of a professional, diverse, and growing member base including Attorneys, Financial Advisors, Investment and Insurance Professionals, Realtors, Health and Wellness Experts, and many others. We share a common belief that an educated public brings value, not just to the community but ultimately to our various professions through goodwill and understanding.
2. What does SOFA do?
SOFA members go out into the community and speak from their professional knowledge, background, and experience. Our members either go to where your company or organization already gathers, or they conduct individual workshops primarily on an "invitation only" basis. SOFA matches up the licensed professional with their topic of expertise, so that all attendees may prosper from the presentation.
3. How long has SOFA been in existence?
We have hosted thousands of presentations nationwide since 1993. SOFA continues to be invited back by our hosting organizations, and asked by many to present to our "invitation only" guests.
4. Where are SOFA seminars held?
Our individual "invitation only" classes often are held at restaurants, hotels, and libraries. Our company or organization classes usually are held at the host company or where the organization hold its sessions or meetings.
5. SOFA must be selling something, what is it?
SOFA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and DOES NOT sell anything. Seriously! SOFA is purely focused on education, and our events have a firm rule against any and all sales. Our workshops are created for the attendees to become empowered, and inspired to take control of their lives.
6. What does SOFA charge?
SOFA seminars are provided at no cost. We do not charge any fees. Our non-profit is funded by the dues of our members and through philanthropy by inspired individuals, companies, and organizations who wish to make charitable donations to SOFA.
7. Why are we doing this?
Take a good look around America! Our schools do not provide financial literacy as a core curriculum. Our mounting debt in student loans, credit cards, and automobiles is skyrocketing. Divorces over "money issues" are increasing. While the issues continue, the results of continued financial literacy grow everyday!
8. What's in it for us?
Various things: